Don't. Ever. Publish. Stuff. That. ONLY. Supports. Dark. Mode.
I mean, I know a LOT of people love dark mode, and given the benefits that darkening interfaces provides... I get it.
But there are some people (like me) who may be visually impaired. Astigmatism, for example, can make reading text that is white on dark a real PITA. An effect known as "halation" occurs, where each letter behaves as if it were a flashlight, gaining its own halo of light and making all text read more blurry than normal.
No matter how good your glasses are, astigmatism still causes you to see a little blurry—it's something you get used to. But this damn effect makes all the text read as if you don't have your glasses on, or even worse, leading to much more tired eyes or even pain.
For everyone's sake, if you really care about accessibility, respect user preferences. If you want a dark interface by default, offer a light version if the user specifies it (in web design, this would beprefers-color-scheme: light
). The same goes for light interfaces.