Every time I take a fat shit, I am reminded how every time I've tried to stick something up my butt for pleasure it was always uncomfortable. Even reasonably small "starter level" anal toys were just uncomfortable to put up there.
Every time I take a fat shit, I am reminded how every time I've tried to stick something up my butt for pleasure it was always uncomfortable. Even reasonably small "starter level" anal toys were just uncomfortable to put up there.
And yet my body has no problems whatsoever relaxing & stretching for a giant shit.
Every time I feel this slight pang of feeling a little bit broken. Because I can't experience sexual pleasure by what are effectively "conventional" means. -_-
gearlicious@rubber.socialreplied to dragonarchitect@rubber.social last edited by
@dragonarchitect not sure if this helps, but it took my body a while to get used to these sensations after which they became more pleasurable.
spud@mastodon.is-hardly.onlinereplied to dragonarchitect@rubber.social last edited by
@dragonarchitect why do anal when you can do rubber snuggles instead :blobfoxmeltblush:
dragonarchitect@rubber.socialreplied to spud@mastodon.is-hardly.online last edited by
@spud Yessssssssss
dragonarchitect@rubber.socialreplied to gearlicious@rubber.social last edited by
@gearlicious Honestly I've just kinda given up on trying.
I don't even actively desire nor seek out sexual intercourse anyways, and I've long since taken it all together as a sign that I should just stop trying.
I just don't care for sex, haven't been able to derive pleasure for it.
But because of just how goddamn much of it I see flowing around online, I still can't help but feel a little bit broken, you know?